With summer vacation sneaking up around the corner, more schools and school districts are budgeting their expenses for repairs and upgrades for the off-season. Unfortunately, the costs for schools have skyrocketed in the last few decades. When school budgets barely cover the costs of books, supplies and even teachers, it’s a sad fact that new school playground equipment is the last thing on the list. In many instances, we see the same slides in our children’s schools that we slid down back in our own childhood.

Pacific Play Systems, Inc. wants to become YOUR school’s partner. From the drawing board to the opening ceremony, Pacific Play Systems will guide your team and staff through every step of the playground procurement process. Here, at Pacific Play, we create new and custom designs to accommodate every age group. Long gone are the days when everyone got the same generic metallic playground (with the added risk of injury at that!). You, as the customer, will get to choose what components, colors and even what theme you want your playground to be. With modern design sensibilities and ADA compliance, you’ll have no need to worry when your child steps foot into the playground. They can run, romp, tumble and be the kid they were meant to be.

We understand the importance of unrestricted, imaginary, free time for child development. The memories that one gets from going down the slides, navigating the jungle gym and becoming long-time friends with classmates on the playground are fundamental to personal growth. So, when allocating this year’s budget, don’t forget the necessity of fun, play, and engagement throughout the school day!