City of Hermosa Beach’s South Park Receives Major Improvements from San Diego Company Pacific Play
The City of Hermosa Beach recently worked with Pacific Play Systems to improve their city park playground equipment. The park, named South Park, has been completely renovated with new shade structures, picnic tables, and playground equipment. Pacific Play Systems is an A licensed general contractor and has the capabilities of project managing the entire project. The City of Hermosa Beach had a wide scope of work needed to be done. The City of Hermosa Beach was able to solely work with Pacific Play and accomplish the renovations for South Park rather than dealing with four or five different contractors for each scope of work. The advantage of working with Pacific Play is that Pacific Play has the capability to subcontract out certain portions of the project such as shade structures and manage the implementation of this portion. This makes it easy for clients because they don’t need to deal with multiple contractors which in return makes the project easier and more efficient. Pacific Play is not only known for their strong suit in design, but also in project management. Pacific Play has successfully managed numerous projects from start to finish with a successful end result usually ending with happy repeat customers. Pacific Play wants to make your project a simple and exciting venture rather than stressful and complicated.

Pacific Play successfully made this renovation possible by working with a variety of manufacturers such as ID Sculpture, Ultra Site, Playcraft Systems, Dynamo, and Custom Canopies. Pacific Play works with a number of manufacturers to ensure high-quality park equipment and a variety of equipment to fit each client’s specific needs. The City of Hermosa Beach wanted park playground equipment that had a natural feel to it. With our array of manufacturers, Pacific Play was able to work with ID Sculpture to create innovative equipment that incorporated a boulder and ramp net structure and a multi-trunk climber. This playground equipment is one-of-a-kind and creates unstructured play that has a heavy emphasis on climbing. This is great for the kids to learn how to climb on different components and enjoy the natural feel to the components. This also gives the park a unique look and sets it aside from all the other playgrounds.

Pacific Play also teamed up with Dynamo to create and install the Apollo structure at South Park. The Apollo is a very popular component with children and is perfect if your park has limited space. The Apollo only needs thirty-two feet in diameter to install and can fit around twenty kids on it at a time. This is a fun component because it spins and has two levels where kids can sit on the bottom or climb their way to the top while it spins. This type of component is great for developing motor skills and working on social skills. The Apollo is also ADA inclusive which is great for city parks to ensure everyone is included and having fun.

Lastly, Pacific Play worked with Custom Canopies to provide the shade structures and with Ultra Site to provide the site amenities including trash cans and picnic tables. Pacific Play designed and installed seven different shade structures in the park area. These shade structures included different shade sails and cantilever umbrellas. With the shade structures, Pacific Play customizes them to your specific area and has the capabilities to make any type of shade structure ranging from hip canopies all the way to shade sails. Shade sails have become a new trend among parks because they have a nice aesthetically pleasing look to them. Shade is also a very important element to a park because it gives an area for parents to watch their kids and the children an area to cool off after playing or lunchtime. Shade structures are critical in Southern California, especially with the summer heat. Shade structures will also help retain families to come back and visit the park time after time.

Overall the completion of this Hermosa Beach playground equipment project was a huge success and just in time for the summer! As you can see, Pacific Play has a wide range of capabilities and can manage your project flawlessly. Parks are more than just playground equipment. The City of Hermosa Beach recognized that and created a stellar park for families to enjoy!