San Diego play equipment company, Pacific Play Systems has recently completed installation of four playground facilities at DeLuz Family Housing within Camp Pendleton, CA.
This playground renovation project took approximately four months to complete. The scope of the project included removal and disposal of the old equipment at these sites and its replacement with Playcraft state-of-the-art custom designed playground equipment and free-standing play components. The scope of work also included some site work, including removal and disposal of the existing site materials and installation of certified engineered wood fibers at three sites and a combination of PIP (poured-in-place) rubberized surfacing and engineered wood fibers at the fourth site. Multiple new play systems, new freestanding play activities, new safety surfacing and much more were included in Pacific Play Systems, Inc.’s latest project completed at local Marine Corps base family housing center

Pacific Play’s latest project consisting of four new play areas is now open for use by military families within MCB Camp Pendleton. At each of the four play areas, Pacific Play has replaced the DeLuz Family Housing’s existing playground equipment with new Playcraft play structures. Designed for providing full wheelchair accessibility, each play area has been custom designed by Pacific Play to provide a large and unique selection of play activities for children of all abilities to enjoy. At the largest of the four play areas, the “Community Center”, Pacific Play has installed a 5-12 age group accessible play system that features a spiral and a poly double slide, a wide range of panels including the popular “seek” panel, as well as numerous freestanding music panels, all under new poured-in-place safety surfacing.
The new play system at the site “Enchan” has been designed for children ages 2-12 with a bedrock climber, crawl tube, several “inclusive” ground level panels which provide a high level of wheelchair accessibility, and much more. While the third site, “Taegu”, includes an inclined crawl tube, twister slide, and chain net climber, among other components, the smaller play system at the fourth site, “Puschan”, has been accompanied with a freestanding “Landing Craft” with the imprint “Marines”. At Enchan, Taegu, and Puschan, Pacific Play has also provided new engineered wood fibers safety surfacing.
The new playground equipment, supplied by Pacific Play Systems, a San Diego play equipment company, is intended to be low maintenance and offers years of trouble-free use at high traffic areas.