
Purchasing Programs

Contact Us - 760-599-7355

Commercial Playground Purchasing Made Easy

At Pacific Play Systems, our playground equipment is made in the USA and can be easily purchased by public works buyers via our Playcraft GSA, TCPN or HGACBuy already negotiated purchasing programs. The idea that school districts, civic organizations and governmental agencies can directly purchase our state of the art Playcraft playground equipment through an already negotiated purchasing program without the expense of having to go out for a public bid and not knowing what product they may end up with. Our designers and estimators are always available to work closely with our public works customers to work out the details associated with the purchase of our playground equipment under any of our co-op purchasing programs. We are here to help them with every phase of a project, starting with establishing a suitable budget, followed by design, purchasing and installation. Our playground equipment designers work diligently with our clients to find the best possible playground equipment to provide fresh and exciting play opportunities for children.
commercial play equipment at Margarita Park

Our talented playground representatives have the skill and experience to help you shape the dream of that perfect playground into a workable reality.

They are eager to assist you with everything from site evaluations to age-appropriate activities, tips on design, colors and features, and budet concerns including fund raising.

GSA Purchasing Co-Op

GSA GSA Advantage
GSA leverages the buying power of the federal government to acquire best value for taxpayers and our federal customers.

Houston-Galveston Area Council

As a unit of local government, HGACBuy strives to make the governmental procurement process more efficient by establishing competitively priced contracts for goods and services, and providing the customer service necessary to help its members achieve their procurement goals. All contracts available to participating members of HGACBuy have been awarded by virtue of a public competitive procurement process compliant with state statutes. All units of local government, including non-profits providing governmental services, are eligible to become participating members of HGACBuy. Contact HGACBuy by phone at 1-800-926-0234.

The Cooperative Purchasing Network

(TCPN) is a national governmental purchasing cooperative able to leverage one of the largest pools of purchasing potential. We competitively bid and award contracts to national vendors in accordance with purchasing procedures mandated by state procurement laws and regulations. This means equal pricing for the smallest entities and the largest buyers. Utilizing a TCPN contract means you deal directly with the vendor, as you would normally, using the TCPN contract as your own. We’ve already done the hard part, and we’ll be with you every step of the way to help increase your efficiency, shorten your delivery time, and stretch your tax dollars. Governmental entities working together, saving the soft costs associated with the competitive bid process, reaping the benefits of nationally leveraged pricing, and it’s free of charge – no dues, no fees, nothing . . .that’s working smart! Visit Our Company On TCPN! Or go to the TCPN homepage:

Head Start Body Start

(HSBS) – The purpose of Head Start Body Start is to increase physical activity, outdoor play, and healthy eating among Head Start and Early Head Start Center children, families, and staff. The Center will assist Head Start programs in creating healthy learning environments, both in and outside the classroom, through structured and unstructured physical activity that leads to the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of young children and reduces obesity and its associated costs. This National Center for Physical Development and Outdoor Play has three main objectives: Administer and support sub-grants for construction or improvement of playgrounds and outdoor play spaces at Head Start Centers Provide resources, training, and technical assistance to Head Start and Early Head Start grantees Inform and assist the Office of Head Start in setting national priorities and developing policies.

King County Directors’ Association

(KCDA) is a non-profit purchasing cooperative owned by Washington’s public school districts. KCDA saves money for members by ordering in volume and supporting their purchasing and distribution requirements.


ORPIN provides access to procurement and contracting information issued by the State of Oregon, local governments, and political subdivisions.

GA – General Administration

We work together to help our customers succeed. We are a high-performing central services agency delivering excellence in strengthening government’s ability to achieve results efficiently and effectively. Visit Our Company On GA!
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